Sunday, October 10, 2004

Kostenlose Shoutbox!

Is 'kostenlose' an expletive? Let's hope so.

This is a boring post of technical nature, since I'm not sure what I can/can't/should/shouldn't post about, but I've managed to (theoretically) set up a Shoutbox for the webpage. The Box ID for login on can be found at our group e-mail account, and it uses the same password as our e-mail account does, to make life easier.

The reason why the bloody Shoutbox isn't exactly appearing on the page is because when I try to add it to the left column, it makes all the fonts on the page absolutely massive. I don't know why, and I'm too lazy to figure out why, and it's midnight, and I'm knackered, and and and...

The point is that we do have one, but I don't have the technical expertise to set it up. So could one of you (Juliet? Pretty please?) copy and paste the code from our Shoutbox configuration to try to set the bloody thing up? *Sigh* (I'm now debating whether I ought to try my hand at setting up Haloscan commenting.) Apologies. End of post.

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