Wednesday, October 06, 2004

This feels a bit odd. I'm still trying to work out the concept of a 'group blog', and although it is a lovely idea, I haven't a clue what to post about. Are there rules? Are posts meant to have a particular theme? Is there anything I'm not allowed to post? Who is the audience? etc. and so forth.

The oddest thing, however, is not having access to the Settings or Template tabs. *Sigh* Was this done on purpose? I know I shouldn't be removing Roswell adverts when I feel like removing them, but being something of an aesthetic control freak, not having the ability to alter the Settings or Template is complete hell.

Other than that, I have little else to post about at this moment in time, although I must say that two minutes ago, I looked outside, and it was blindingly sunny. Two minutes later, the sun has unfortunately been replaced by a thick cloud cover and sheets of pouring rain. Wellies would be appropriate right now, but not adorable new silver ballet slippers...


susan said...

Are your ballet slippers to be worn outdoors? Whenever you say you're wearing ballet slippers I've always imagined bedroom slippers. Possibly I'm un-shoe-cultured.... :)

And yes, that does seem to sum up what I had understood of London weather....

Juliet said...

Hey there! Just getting on the computer now; I'll change your admin settings. :)

Welcome! :)

And hey, at least your weather is more interesting than, say, California's is...

Juliet said...

p.s. The Roswell DVD contest ends October 12th. Hang tight, k?

L'Esthete said...

Remember how you mentioned that Londoners have the most out-there shoes you've ever seen? Such is the case with the ballet slippers. They are basically flats, meant to be worn outdoors - they have proper soles and are not meant for doing ballet in. Quite popular here, very comfortable, and TopShop has a brilliant selection.

Lol - I was only joking about the Roswell advert. No worries. I'll leave the advert where it is, I promise.