Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Thoughts on blog format

Just running some things up the flagpole to see who salutes:

-people post when they feel like it about whatever they want.
Pros: easy, low maintenance
Cons: we all already have blogs where we do that

-weekly/biweekly/monthly theme, each of us responds to the question or theme
Pros: learn new things about each other, makes it different from our own blogs, provides structure
Cons: provides structure, might get annoying

-we rotate days/weeks in which we post about what we're up to
Pros: provides structure, interesting to compare our lives
Cons: provides structure, might get boring (NOT that my study-for-a-midterm-eat-crap-food-write-an-essay-get-no-sleep life is BORING, not at all.)

-we make the blog about something (art/music/websites/recipes/origami/junk food/small dogs) and people post when they discover something new or something related
Pros: good information/interest resource, preferrably it would be about something we're all interested in
Cons: no information about ourselves, have to pick a topic that we ARE all actually interested in which might be more difficult than it seems

Or we could just ask Julie what she had in mind in the first place. *passes mike-slash-soapbox along to Juliet*


Juliet said...

*accepts microphone/soapbox (what is a soapbox exactly, anyway?) from suzy q, a little hesitantly*

Well...I suppose my initial idea, as I said in the invitation, was to have weekly/biweekly/monthly themes (but, you know, in a lax manner, so there's none of the 'oh no I'm supposed to post something about that and don't have anything to say/don't have time/don't feel like it' stuff).

Ideally it would be about a specific topic (music/websites/small dogs) but I doubt any of us would be able to agree on that, really.

So then my other little idea (maybe in conjunction with the whole periodic theme thing) was for us to just post whatever we want -- when we hear/have an interesting thought/idea/quote/whatever.

What do the rest of you think?

L'Esthete said...

I had a thought - one that is a fusion, as it were, of the ideas mentioned above (all of which are good, by the way).

Because we each have blogs in which we post about anything, I think we ought to give this particular blog more structure. I was thinking that perhaps we can each be responsible for blogging about a particular topic that we individually interested in - Legolas news from Juliet, Gashlywhatever news from Suzy Q, etc and so on.

This should be done on a rotating basis - say, J, S, F, and then M. It's not necessary to post every Monday for example, but just wait until the person before you has posted. And if you don't have anything to say about your particular topic, then post about anything else.

Is this too structured? I don't want it to be too timetable-based with no leeway, that's not the point at all. I'm hoping that if and when we do establish a relatively loyal reader base, there will be something there that others are interested in and can relate to, and want to come back to. We would list the topics we post about under the 'Contributors' section - an individual blurb - so people have an idea of what to expect and whose topics they'd be keen on reading.

L'Esthete said...

On second thought, I don't think I was very eloquent (or clear) about what I was trying to say above. Let me give it another go. Think of it as sort of a newspaper, Toronto Star for example - where the contents of a particular section changes themes daily - Food on a particular day, Education on another, Fashion on Thursdays, Film on Friday, and each section has a particular set of columnists responsible for writing about that topic. Hope that helps...

Juliet said...

It's an interesting idea, Muse; I do think that posting in a certain order and having to wait for the person designated to post before you may be a little too structured. Also, I'm assuming that each person's designated topic would have to be fairly broad or we'd run out of things to say pretty quickly, no?

I do like the idea though, so we'll add it to the list of possibilities. Too bad Flames is (probably) still dealing with having just moved out of her house last Friday, or she could give us her opinion on all of this.

L'Esthete said...

It's only as structured as we make it out to be. You would pick a range of topics to post about - and it's alright if your topics blend with someone else's. I mean, it's got to have some structure - it's redundant having a blog in which a random person posts random thoughts all the time. Isn't that somewhat like the blogs we individually already have?

Well, keep us posted, if I think of anything else I'll let you know.

Juliet said...

I think the main qualm I have with the system you suggested is the waiting-for-the-person-before-you thing. What if, say, the person meant to post before you do gets really busy or otherwise can't post for a length of time (but doesn't give any indication that we should just skip her turn), but you have something you'd really like to post but can't yet? And especially if these posts are about specific topics, certain posts become irrelevant after a certain amount of time.

Does that make any sense? I'm not sure I'm explaining properly...

L'Esthete said...

Why shouldn't you be able to post about something that you really want to post about, even if the person designated to post before you hasn't posted yet? Go ahead! That's why I said it's as structured as you want it to be.

I don't see how posts can become 'irrelevant' after a certain period of time. Are you saying that if you post about a film you saw, that three months later that post about that particular film isn't going to be of any relevance...? I don't understand.

I reckon our views on what a group blog should be are different - just tell us what you had in mind, and we'll post according to it.

susan said...

*bounces back to university from the weekend, which means back to the tools of procrastination :) *

I like the different topics idea and I'm not averse in principle to having it go in a specific order...but I do take Julie's point that we have habits of getting busy, so I think it would be good if we can post 'out of order'. Does that make sense?

(Another random idea I had whilst staring at The Gashlycrumb Tinies was that we organize it according to a principle instead of a rotating schedule, such as -- for example -- the alphabet. The first post, thus, is something like "A is for Apple Paltrow" and the content is about the stupidity of celebrity baby names today. The second post is "B is for Britcoms" and is a celebration of the comedic genius of Fawlty Towers, Keeping Up Appearances and Absolutely Fabulous. The third post is...well, you get the picture. Anyone can post at any time, so long as it goes in the right order.
That schema relates in no way, shape, or form to the title of the blog, but I thought I'd put it out there. Edward Gorey is taking over all of my sensibilities. I have absolutely no problem with Muse's proposed idea, so long as we 'can' post out of order.)