Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Today I

bought a poster version of The Gashlycrumb Tinies by Edward Gorey.

I did several other things today, but this might have been the highlight.

It's a great poster, but it was also a very boring day.

...it's cool if I actually post in this thing, right guys? Are there...rules? Like "don't post things like that in a nice blog like this"?

P.S. My favourite Gashlycrumb Tiny is Neville, despite my namesake's presence.


Juliet said...

*mouth is still hanging open* Well, I'd never heard of these gashlywhatevers before (actually, you may have mentioned it once), but wow...that's just...cute, in a fantastically morbid kind of way. *gives suzy q a look that says 'I knew you were odd, but...whoa! you just got weirder...'* Haha. :) Nah, just kidding. I can't exactly say I'm surprised. Wasn't surprised either that your favorite child death is ennui (now there's a weird sentence if I've ever seen one...).

And also: wheeee! A post that isn't posted by me! Progress is being made. Me happy. :)

Feel free to post whatever you want, Susan-who-hopefully-won't-perish-in-fits...

L'Esthete said...

Adorable. Love it love it love it.